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Optimizing Your Landing Page for SEO and CRO

Yes, you can optimize your landing page for both SEO and CRO

While SEO (Search Engine Optimization) boosts traffic to your website, CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) helps you generate leads and ultimately sales for your business. By carefully planning and implementing both SEO and CRO into your content marketing strategy it’s a win-win.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

An SEO focused landing page is optimized to generate traffic and keep people on your page to investigate further. SEO is composed with long form content with targeted keywords to attract and engage users.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

With a CRO focused landing page targeted keywords aren’t as important and content is focused on a particular audience. With conversion focused landing pages, visitors are usually already qualified and the goal is to generate leads and hopefully a sale.

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization)

SEO + CRO = Maximum ROI

While Search Engine Optimization and Conversion Rate Optimization are two very different animals – together they are a match made in heaven. Implementing the best practices for both optimization techniques strengthens your marketing performance while maximizing your ROI.


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