A group of interactions or hitsAn interaction that results in data being sent to a tracking solution (i.e. Google Analytics). One s... with your website. A sessionA web session is a series of contiguous actions by a visitor on an individual website within a giv... may include several web page visits and interactions or it may contain just one. A new sessionA web session is a series of contiguous actions by a visitor on an individual website within a giv... begins if a userA person that uses a product. visited a website via one campaign(Digital Advertising) A collection of ad groups or ad sets centered around a common goal., leaves and comes back via a different campaign(Digital Advertising) A collection of ad groups or ad sets centered around a common goal.. A new sessionA web session is a series of contiguous actions by a visitor on an individual website within a giv... will also start after midnight or after 30 minutes of inactivity. This means a single userA person that uses a product. might have multiple sessions in a single day or over several weeks.